2. Who are the students?• The students are made up of all demographics throughout the country from the highest to the lowest income ratios. The students are made up of all different races and backgrounds. They consist of not only American children whose first language is English but also 19% are immigrants and 10% are English language learners.
3. Who are the teachers?• The majority are experienced and have advanced degrees in there subject areas. This is to ensure a great understanding in their specific area so the student has the greatest possible understanding of the information provided. This is not the case in all demographic areas in high poverty areas teachers are not always highly qualified in their subject area. Most teachers seem to be young white females. Reasons for this might be that the mind set of American citizens is to make more money, considering the low pay of most teachers may be the reason for this statistic. The high rate of teachers changing and leaving the profession is a question of how the education system is run.