Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How integrating art education into other subject areas can help students overall achievement?

Who are our students or who are our teachers. I feel that the question could go either way. I am leaning more towards who are our students, but The teachers are the ones who need to take the effort in the instruction of the integration.
What does integration of subject areas provide?
How art education can help?
Achievement as far as learning new ways, problem solving, critically thinking, or just test
Other questions that have come up in this topic relate to funding of the school and motivation of the faculty. In a school such as Arts where the learning is based on an integrating art program there is room and cooperation in order for the program to work. In schools art is being taken out of the curriculum could applying it to other subject areas be an alternative to deleting it completely?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

After reading various articles and picking through research topics I have changed my inquiry to be a topic of art education as well. I want to know how teachers incorporate art education with other areas to have students apply their knowledge in the arts to improve other subjects. I am not sure if the art teacher that i will be observing does this so my question may not be answered with one visit. Teaching styles is something I am also considering at this point. Because an art classroom is so different in its arrangement of students it would be interesting to see how the style of teaching is when compared to that of say a math class,and how the students benefit from one or the other.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

arts high

The arts high school was an original experience, and a great chance to see the potential of kids in urban areas. After my visit and reading back to last weeks notes i wondered if my classmates would use the stereotypes and reactions to this school as other Urban schools as we did last class. I know personally I could not. Even though they are faced with the same struggles as other children in Urban communities i saw flourishing talent and knowledge on the tour. Coming from an art background it was truly astonishing to see what these kids have accomplished as projects and pieces. Their gallery of artwork excelled over many of the student exhibits I have seen at Montclair. The school gives the student tools to succeed, and they bring their talents to the table. Resources for materials are phenomenal from what i have experienced in other high schools, and it is the teachers who help to give their students everything possible. The money is out there one teacher had told me it just takes some work to get it. From the degree of talent these students showed they deserve nothing but the best. Going further on that thought, all of our students deserve nothing but the best. It is our job to give them the resources, the insight, the help to give them a chance at putting their best efforts forth. I am excited to go back and learn more in the school and classrooms.