Monday, October 15, 2007


For my art education curriculum class we are doing an art program call backpacks at Franklin Elementary school in Newark. I decided to attend a few extra days in order to serve my community service requirement. I was so excite to spend a few more days with the kids after getting so attached. The kids I have worked with this semester really have grown in my eyes with their artwork, and learning in general. Because of the diverse atmosphere and the type of class setting that was being run I got to learn so much of my own teaching abilities and hardships. Working with most of my kids who were ESL and not knowing any Spanish experimenting with different communication techniques was the first hurdle that I had to jump. Because the art program gave them vocabulary and led to conversations about the artists and their work, I was surprised to see how quickly they opened up with one another. The linking literacy to art part of the program was great because it was able to make the readings fun for the kids as they moved along with the language, and comparisons to thoughts or ideas that their backpack artists and the book had. I have grown myself as a teacher and have began to understand some of my own strengths and weaknesses. While I can get the students involved and participating in assignments I lack discipline skills when they do act up. There is so much I have to learn about other cultures around me, and they have made me aware of how vital it is to know who your students are and what is going on in their own lives. I am sad to leave but excited to start in a new classroom with new faces ideas and experiences.

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